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Behind the Scenes
Many times in an effort to assist with the marketing of a project we work with the Producer and are contracted to get behind the scenes footage. Many times this footage is used for video out-takes or to assist with the marketing and promotions of a project.
** Before taking any pictures or videos while on ANY project set, you should ALWAYS make sure that it is okay. Many times your contract will say, "No videos or pictures allowed to be taken while filming or on set. Always check and make sure!
Check out some of the behinds footage during our casting calls and while on set...
Color Me- Gorgeous. TV
Color Me~Gorgeous: The aDVeNTuReS oF LaNDi & LeSLie
SiT BaCK LauGH HiLaRioSLY aND FoLLoW ouR JouRNeY & CRaZY aDVeNTuReS aS We LiVe, LauGH & LoVe WHiLe We PuSH THRouGH ouR iNSeCuRiTieS & FeaRS
The Aftermath
Atlanta Law
Switching Lanes
Notable Talent:
Shameik Moore, Michael Lerner, Marla Maples, Terri J Vaughn, Victoria Staley, & Jamila Thompson
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